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Silvane Vouix

Age:  29????

  • Her favorite thing is Gil.

  • She's generally quiet if not spoken to, but she will speak out if needed. 

  • Likes looking at cute guys.

  • She loves organizing and dislikes it when theings are in a mess, this includes scheduling and time arrangements.

  • She likes to be in control, so when that gets taken from her, she often panics easily.

  • Ever the fashionista, her appearance and look always changes.

Silvane has one bright crimson eye as a result of the experiement and tortures that she went through. Her remaining eyes is a honeyed brown and her hair are dyed to hell and back, depending on her mood. Her memory is also short and she could be quite forgetful. This may be an after effect of the experements as well.

Silvane tends to be reserved and quiet in unfamiliar situation and doesn't talk unless she knows the person or was introduced to. She is stern but has a short temper, which quickly dissipates as fast as it came. her life goal is to horde Gil, for what exactly, no one knows.

For Final Fantasy XIV Role Playing Only

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