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Silvane Vouix 

FFXIV RP |  She/Her  |  Bi-curious  

An over achiever, this prisoner of Imperial had went through many grueling torture to finally reach where she is now. Silvane is extremely stubborn with a headstrong personality. However, she falls easily to manipulation and tactics, making her extremely vulnerable to sweet words. 

She is mostly found either in the Tea-House The Willow, where she works, or helping the Scions out around Eorzea. She fears going against the Imperial most, but knows there is very little choice she has when it comes to that, as she now reports to a new master whom she cherishes and greatly admires—to the point of even commiting murder for him. 

Silvane will not shy away from a task (As long as she is capable of it) even if it results to the use of her body, should the price be right.

For Final Fantasy XIV Role Playing Only

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